Revert to previous git commit
Originally posted by user Alucryd to the Stoplight Community on 02/29/2024 at 08:50 ET. Hi all, we unfortunately made a mistake and wiped out a whole api definition, is there any way to revert our files to a previous commit on the basic plan? Couldn't find any way to view or edit the git history.27Views1like1CommentGitHub Integration and Plan Limitations on Stoplight – Can Anyone Elaborate?
Originally posted by user koki to the Stoplight Community on 02/26/2024 at 21:26 ET. I have reviewed the following two documents and would like to clarify my understanding: Spotlight does not support integration with GitHub under the free plan. GitHub integration becomes available starting with the Basic plan, while custom configurations for GitHub are only possible with the Pro plan.19Views0likes0CommentsWhere are stored the data exactly ?
Originally posted by user MikeSN to the Stoplight Community on 01/18/2024 at 13:04 ET. Hi, I was doing some poc for using stoplight but I'm faced a question that I'm not able to find the answer on the documentation. I want to create a workspace from a git repository so I know this repository will have my data. But Is Stoplight stored datas in his own servers, which kind of data ? Is it possible to only store the documentation and api data on the git repository and nothing on stoplights servers ? Thank you10Views0likes0CommentsStoplight just deleted all my GitHub projects. Now it's refusing to let me connect to GitHub. Help?
Originally posted by user Nananana to the Stoplight Community on 01/09/2024 at 07:46 ET. Have created a ticket on the Support Portal but no idea when I'll hear back, and this is pretty urgent. Would appreciate anyone's advice with this. I changed the GitHub integration settings in our workspace. This deleted all projects we had which were linked to GitHub. This was not desired and there was no warning. Since these projects were backed by GitHub, I assumed I could get them back by re-creating projects from the GitHub repositories. However, Stoplight is throwing errors when I try to do this. I set up a new GitHub Integration in Settings, using a GitHub OAuth App, as instructed in the docs. The Test Settings button tells me that Everything Looks Good!. However when I go to "Create or Import a Project - Add from GitHub", it tells me I need to Connect GitHub. I had assumed that the GitHub integration would handle this automatically, but it doesn't seem to. I continued to authorize the connection with GitHub. However this returns an error message: "syntax error at or near \")\"". I have retried multiple times, but Stoplight refuses to connect my GitHub account. This means I have not been able to recreate our GitHub-backed Stoplight projects. So basically all our production API docs are down, as I'm trying to onboard a new client to said API. Any advice?Solved50Views0likes2CommentsWhere are masks stored in a git repo?
Originally posted by user MariusSc78 to the Stoplight Community on 01/05/2024 at 03:23 ET. I have created a mask of my address model and published it to my github repo. After that I have changed some properties in that new masks I have created. Now, I am wondering where the mask (and the changes) is located/stored in the git repo. I only saw that a resolutions.json has been created that includes an id reference. But the actual change/mask I do not find. I don't use component library project. I am using the model folder in my api project. I think it is called local models. According to my findings, I don't think that masks are stored in git, rather than somewhere within the stoplight platform. Am I correct?Solved19Views0likes2CommentsInternal Error while cloning the Gitlab repo
Originally posted by user Rabbani Kaja Mohideen to the Stoplight Community on 12/14/2023 at 01:51 ET. We are using a dedicated gitlab account for stoplight integration and for security reason we have configured this gitlab user as "External" at the Gitlab settings. We are able to test the settings using this user client ID/secret. However when we try to create a new project, we are receiving the following an error... graphql error](INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR): duplicate key value violates unique constraint "external_users_user_id_workspace_integration_id_key" - undefinedSolved8Views0likes1CommentReceiving error when attempting to connect my stoplight account to git
Originally posted by user aplii to the Stoplight Community on 11/07/2023 at 10:18 ET. I'm currently unable to connect my github account to stoplight. On attempting to connect the account i get the error "This integration account is already associated with ''. I don't have an account for this email address (see screenshot - this is the account it's apparently associated with) and the connection is initially removed from my GitHub apps. Can you help?Solved50Views0likes3Comments@stoplight/cli does not allow to use a custom directory that includes both openapi spec and md files
Originally posted by user popsap to the Stoplight Community on 11/07/2023 at 15:58 ET. When in the push command of the mentioned tool, I specify a custom directory inside the home directory (like "home-dir/api-docs") and the command cannot push to stoplight all the files from this directory. Among these files, there are an openapi spec, markdown files. The command only pushes openapi spec to stoplight and ignores markdown files. Seems to be the bugSolved19Views0likes1Comment404 error when installing GitHub webhook
Originally posted by user Luca P. to the Stoplight Community on 07/11/2023 at 11:09 ET. Hi all, when I try to install a GitHub webhook for my project, I get an error stating: "Something went wrong while installing this webhook. You may not have the correct GitHub permissions to perform this action in your external VCS." As my permissions should be ok, I checked the raw /graphql API response, and it seems the error is a '404 not found': { "data": null, "errors": [ { "extensions": { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "message": "{\"message\":\"Not Found\",\"documentation_url\":\"\"}" }, "path": [ "createExternalWebhook" ], "message": "Request failed with status code 404", "locations": [ { "line": 1, "column": 31 } ] } ] }Solved126Views0likes1CommentSplit a GitHub repo to different Stoplight project
Originally posted by user ckjeter to the Stoplight Community on 06/29/2023 at 04:03 ET. I have multiple components with different OpenAI yaml files in a single GitHub repo. Wondering is there any approach to separate them in different Stoplight project or import specific folder when creating stoplight project? If GitHub integration function can’t achieve this, can CLI mode do the trick? Thanks the community!Solved19Views0likes1Comment