Forum Discussion

bdrummond's avatar
7 years ago

How do I manually map an invisible object such as 'Docking Hint'...?

Hi all,   After a length of good run of using Test Complete version 14.20, I have come across another obstacle for my testing procedure.   How do I manually map an invisible object such as 'Docki...
  • bdrummond's avatar
    7 years ago

    Great stuff,


    Although I have the object namemapped, I come across (with luck) a method which I no longer need that 'DockingHint' object anymore.


    Instead, I have a property of the Toolbox called 'Dock [Set]' and set it's value to either "left" or "right". This method allow me to command my application to redock that toolbox accordingly : )


    Thanks again for your help.

