Forum Discussion

siv_arunprakash's avatar
7 years ago

Running TestComplete on Virtual machine even if the user is not logged on



 We have TestComplete installed on VM and have floating license activated on the same Virtual Machine. Now I will set up a task scheduler to run the automation tasks in the night even when the user is not logged in or not connected to Virtual Machine.


I manually tried starting the TestComplete project suite from Task Scheduler and disconnected the user session while the test was running, and then I reconnected after 5 mins to see , TestComplete was running still but it was not able to identify objects, mouse clicks was not happening.


Please help.

  • Think of it like this...


    ...would a real user be able to click on buttons, components, etc., if they are not logged in?  


    ...would a real user be able to click on buttons, components, etc., if the workstation is "locked" with no visible UI interface?


    The answer to those is obviously no... so, running tests on a workstation that is not logged in or disconnected will fail.  Which is why you need to make certain configuration changes and such to make it work....  

    Start with this link and read through the various options.

8 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Think of it like this...


    ...would a real user be able to click on buttons, components, etc., if they are not logged in?  


    ...would a real user be able to click on buttons, components, etc., if the workstation is "locked" with no visible UI interface?


    The answer to those is obviously no... so, running tests on a workstation that is not logged in or disconnected will fail.  Which is why you need to make certain configuration changes and such to make it work....  

    Start with this link and read through the various options.

    • vshah's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hello tristaanogre,


      Using tscon.exe utility i am able to disconnect from rdp and continue running the test.


      However, how do I initiate a UI based Tests without even logging in the VM.


      Few stuff that I already have 

      TC with all parameters is triggered using .bat file

      Disconnect.bat (Containing tscon.exe call) file is used to disconnect 

      both .bat files (resident on VM) are triggered using TaskScheduler


      Thanks in advance for the help


      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > However, how do I initiate a UI based Tests without even logging in the VM.

        No way.


        And this is not something that is specific to TestComplete but the essential requirement of the Windows OS.

  • Jenkins + Autologin + TC/TE can solve this problem. 

  • Hi,


    I am facing a strange issue. I am running GUI Test of web application on virtual machine. When ever I have logged on to the machine the test runs fine, all the objects are identified fine. But when I use this tscon and disconnect the session before starting the test or in middle of execution , the web application in the chrome browser does not load completely and test complete is not able to identify the objects.


    I am stuck at this issue. Please help if any one faced similar kind of issue.

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      Keep in mind that transferring to the console with tscon means that the tests will be running with whatever the screen resolution is on that console.  So, if the console screen resolution is too small, this could be the problem.  Find out what your console screen res is and, if necessary, increase it.