Forum Discussion

philyoung99's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago


Hi all,


Is there a way that I can use @comments to generate javascript docs in testcomplete scripts please - then output to an internally viewable website - think javadoc..






2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    TestComplete script code (unit.js, etc) are plain text files, editable and readable within any standard text editor. There is no direct integration with TestComplete for a tool like javadocs, however, if you point the tool at the directories and tell it to read js files, it should work as it does for any other development environment.

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    I have had better luck with esDoc myself, but we have processes that pull all .js and .sj files from our directories that house our frameworks and runs esdoc on them. 


    If you decide to go that route, I have made some local tweaks to it as well that will allow for better searching I can share.