how Can i get the gylphicon class element which I am not able to spy
I need to perform a click action on a glyphicon class element which I am not able to spy.
the element which I want to click is the pencil icon in the cell.(attached Image pencil.pgn)
As I said I am not able to spy this element and I am using a data driven framework where I need the objects full name to perform a click action.
I tried getting the object item for the pencil icon using the Queryselector method on the cells fullname which should be the parent item of the pencil icon.
this is what i am seeing when I inspect the pencil icon
so I tried using the class on the object of the cell
Sys.Process("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(2, 4).QuerySelector(".glyphicon")
this gave me an empty object.
and when I am using the class name as ".glyphicon glyphicon-pencil pointer" i am getting error as missing ')'.
what am I missing here ? am I doing this correctly ?
any alternative to click the pencil icon which is not spy able using the object spy as I need the full name of that object to perform any action.