Forum Discussion
- tomh_1ContributorAdditional Information:
- Get same results in Firefox as Chrome (no hierarchy)
- Html representing offending hierarchy is below
<div id="dbTrendTreeWrapper" style="height: 888px;">
<div id="dbTrendTree" class="jstree jstree-1 jstree-default jstree-checkbox-no-clicked" role="tree" aria-activedescendant="Shared">
<ul class="jstree-container-ul">
<li role="treeitem" aria-expanded="true" id="Shared" class="jstree-node jstree-open" aria-selected="false">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl"/>
<a class="jstree-anchor" href="#">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-checkbox"/>
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-themeicon"/>Shared</a>
<ul role="group" class="jstree-children">
<li role="treeitem" candelete="true" canupdate="true" canaccessurldirectly="true" username="supervisor" id="supervisor_635455499485462066" class="jstree-node jstree-leaf jstree-last" aria-selected="false">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl"/>
<a class="jstree-anchor jstree-clicked" href="#">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-checkbox"/>
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-themeicon jstree-themeicon-hidden"/>TA_RealTimePowerTrend</a>
<li role="treeitem" id="Private" class="jstree-node jstree-leaf" aria-selected="false">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl"/>
<a class="jstree-anchor" href="#">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-checkbox"/>
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-themeicon"/>Private</a>
<li role="treeitem" aria-expanded="true" id="Other" class="jstree-node jstree-open jstree-last">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl"/>
<a class="jstree-anchor" href="#">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-checkbox"/>
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-themeicon"/>Other User Trends</a>
<ul role="group" class="jstree-children">
<li role="treeitem" candelete="true" canupdate="false" canaccessurldirectly="false" username="TAUser" id="TAUser_635455500857570546" class="jstree-node jstree-leaf jstree-last">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-ocl"/>
<a class="jstree-anchor jstree-clicked" href="#">
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-checkbox"/>
<i class="jstree-icon jstree-themeicon jstree-themeicon-hidden"/>TA_HistoricalEnergyTrend (TAUser)</a>
</div> - tomh_1ContributorCan anyone from SmartBear Support help on this?
Thank you. - TanyaYatskovskaSmartBear Alumni (Retired)Hi Tom,
I see the same hierarchy in IE and Firefox. TestComplete 10.4 is installed on my computer. I suggest that you try updating to the latest product version. Otherwise, please contact our Support team and describe the issue you faced.
- tomh_1ContributorHi Tanya,
I tried 10.4 with the same results. It's interesting that the application's html is represented correctly in Test Complete but the object representation of it is not.
I worked around the problem for now by calling FindChildByXpath to verify if the item of interest is in the expected location within the hierarchy and if so, I return the item from the flat-list representation of the tree. (For this to work the item must be uniquely named within the entire hierarchy.)
I will follow up with the support team as you suggest. Thank you for your help.
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