Forum Discussion

tomaszarmata's avatar
9 years ago

Missing XML representation of response.



Im using now SoapUI NG Pro 1.7.


I create new REST project from URL. From Projects tab i try out my new service by sending request. Service send me back JSON response but when I try to view it in XML view I see only:


In JSON, Raw and Outline everything is ok. I see only xml root in XML and Overview views.


Anyone notice the same problem? Is this problem with new 1.7 version of soapUI?


I can upload some private way my original JSON response examples.

  • tomaszarmata's avatar
    9 years ago

    I've just made new workspace, new project and I can see XML and Overview representation of response. Wierd.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Can you check with your service provider or internally if it is built in house for the supported response content-types? It is because, it is currently supporting 'application/json' , so not showing xml content which is ok.

    • tomaszarmata's avatar

      I am a little bit confused now because in my old REST project in which I try now send the same request, to the same service I can see XML representation.


      In both I use POST method with application/json Media Type.


      For now I cant notice difference between them but when I find it out I will let You know.


      Thanks nmrao :)

      • tomaszarmata's avatar

        I've just made new workspace, new project and I can see XML and Overview representation of response. Wierd.