Forum Discussion

frame2's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

ReadyAPI 1.7.0 frequent crashes

Me and my colleague having the same problem - sometimes readyAPI 1.7.0 just vanishes just after a mouseclick, without doing anything special. We couldn't find a reason, appears random? This happens about once a day, which makes it unusable for us and we have to go back to 1.6.0 ...


Is there a log or anything we could check to diagnose the problem? This has never happened in any previous version, we had crashes but never seen that it's just gone without a message or anything ...



    After a lot of back and forth working with SmartBear on this, sending them crash reports and logs, the problem has been tracked down!


    If you download the latest Ready API 1.9 nightly build, the crashing should be solved.


    I've been using it for about a month now since the fix and it hasn't crashed a single time.  I wanted to use it for a while before reporting that the issue's resolved for me.




    It was a really really esoteric bug, not surprising it took long to uncover.  There's a small icon that is sometimes displayed over the Transaction Log button after running tests in certain conditions. The icon indicates potential performance issues when it detects timing differences between multiple runs of the same test case (e.g. when running in a loop, with different response times in each loop). It's just to get the user's attention so that they can decide if they want to dig deeper.


    However, when this icon is visible, and you switch focus a different window, then ReadyAPI got into a locked state while trying to refresh the icon while it no longer had focus.

10 Replies

  • kbw's avatar



    After a lot of back and forth working with SmartBear on this, sending them crash reports and logs, the problem has been tracked down!


    If you download the latest Ready API 1.9 nightly build, the crashing should be solved.


    I've been using it for about a month now since the fix and it hasn't crashed a single time.  I wanted to use it for a while before reporting that the issue's resolved for me.




    It was a really really esoteric bug, not surprising it took long to uncover.  There's a small icon that is sometimes displayed over the Transaction Log button after running tests in certain conditions. The icon indicates potential performance issues when it detects timing differences between multiple runs of the same test case (e.g. when running in a loop, with different response times in each loop). It's just to get the user's attention so that they can decide if they want to dig deeper.


    However, when this icon is visible, and you switch focus a different window, then ReadyAPI got into a locked state while trying to refresh the icon while it no longer had focus.

  • kbw's avatar

    Confirming that this happens to Ready API 1.7 at our company too.  We've logged a SmartBear help ticket, reporting the defect.  For us, it sometimes happens multiple times per day (three times today alone).


    We have noticed a pattern though:  On days when we are only running test cases, but not adding any new content, then we don't see any crashing. However, on days when we've been adding content (new test suites, cases and test steps, but mainly new cases and steps), then we see frequent crashes--sometimes as little as an hour or so between crashes, and as many as 3 or 4 in a single day.


    The crashing often happens when we're not even actively doing anything in Ready API at that very moment, but we had been adding content to the project earlier.


    We've resorted to manually saving our projects every time we make a few edits (when we remember...), to reduce the risk of losing large amounts of work when it crashes..

    • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)



      Thanks for reporting the issue to our Support Team. I'm sure they will do their best to help you in resolving the issue,

      • psouth's avatar
        New Contributor

        I've installed the latest maintenance build (11072016) and this is even worse!  I can run the application for approximately 2 minutes before it then crashes.


        Admittedly it is a "maintenance" build, but surely this level of instability should not exist in the application.


        Terrible customer experience :(

  • kbw's avatar

    Update:  Ready API 1.8 has this problem too--crashed on me yesterday.


    Still working with support, soapUI logs were completely unhelpful--nothing in them at the times it crashes.  I've asked support if there's any extra debug logging that they'd like me to turn on, which might help them track down the issue the next time it crashes. We'll see.


    • psouth's avatar
      New Contributor

      kbw How big is your project file?  I found the application was becoming unstable with a large project I was working on being present in the workspace.  


      I've got a separate support ticket to investigate this, but it might be worth considering the size of the project as that could be causing the application to crash.


      Hope this helps a bit :)

      • kbw's avatar

        Thanks for the info psouth.


        I'd hope it's not the size of our projects--they're not very big.  Our two largest projects are ~4.5 MB, the next largest are 1.6 MB and 1.3 MB, and the remaining are less than 1 MB projects.  There are a total of about 17 project open, some of them practically empty.