Forum Discussion

jvondam's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Curl command on Rest API giving HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type

I'm trying use curl to send a custom format POST using the Rest API. I'm attempting to follow the documentation but am still getting the 415 response.


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-H "Content-Length: 16" 
-H "Authorization: Bearer <access token> 
-d '{"file": "ll-analytics.csv"}'


I have verified the access token works with a simple GET using curl. I have a feeling my syntax using the file is wrong, or I'm missing something. Any help would be great, thanks!

  • Unfortunately, there is no endpoint supporting CSV. 


    You can use the API endpoint "POST /testexecutions" to update the status every time.


    Otherwise, we support Cucumber JSON result files through an endpoint similar to the Junit endpoint. 


    If I may, what is your pipeline setup? 

    • jvondam's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for the reply. However I am trying to upload results from another CI/CD tool, and it is only presented in CSV. Is the only available format XML for JUnit 5? Or is there another endpoint that supports CSV? 

      • DavidL's avatar

        Unfortunately, there is no endpoint supporting CSV. 


        You can use the API endpoint "POST /testexecutions" to update the status every time.


        Otherwise, we support Cucumber JSON result files through an endpoint similar to the Junit endpoint. 


        If I may, what is your pipeline setup?