Hi Dav U, I have been making some progress on this, as much as coming up with a clear strategy for implementing our integration.
Basically, our requirements are:
1. Each Test in Test Complete is represented by a Zephyr Test in JIRA
2. When each Test in Test Complete is executed as part of a batch run, the result is automatically entered into JIRA as part of a Test Cycle using ZAPI.
3. There is no requirement for Zephyr to drive Test Complete in any way
The strategy we put together is to implement a three phase execution process which is outlined below.
1. Batch Initialisation
a. Creates identifier for the batch run which is stored in a file
b. Creates folder to store results based on the identifier
c. Creates folder to store logs based on the identifier
2. Batch Execution
a. Configures known Project Variables which contain the path to the results and log files
b. Execute all tests in a batch
1. Each test knows the JIRA Ids of the Zephyr Test and the Project in which it is contained
2. At completion, each test
a. Exports the test log to the logs folder
b. Creates and stores a result file in the result folder containing
1. JIRA Project Id
2. JIRA Test Id
3. Result (pass or fail)
4. Location of the Log file
3. Batch finalisation
a. Processes all result files to identify
1. All Projects
2. All results for each Project
b. Creates Test Cycles in all identified Projects
c. Creates Executions for all tests in executed in each Project
d. Executes these Executions
All the plumbing code for this is to be written in Test Complete (I have already written a fair chunk) and batch execution is to be controlled by an application written in C# which is effectively a wrapper around the Test Execute COM Object.
We chose to write this application to provide the granulation of Test Execution not provided by the Test Execute command line.
We aren't really integrating Test Complete and Zephyr, rather using Zephyr as a results repository to provide traceability to JIRA Issues.
Phil Baird