Writing script where part of code runs for desktop automation and part on web automation.
- 2 years ago
Is it really required for desktop and web parts to be running on separate systems? Can't they run on the same box?
If they can, then just create a regular script that interacts with desktop and web as needed. (Make a simple recording to get an overall idea of how script may look and work.)
If they really must be executed on separate systems (which I actually hardly can believe at), then, depending on your scenario, you may either create a script for desktop, execute it on one machine and execute another script for the web on this other machine.
If your scenario assumes constant switching between desktop and web, you may consider Network mode (https://support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/docs/testing-with/deprecated/distributed/basic-concepts.html) even despite the fact that it is deprecated. (Note: additional licenses for TC will be required in this case.)