WPF Automation peers
What do I need to do for Test Complete to be able to recognize WPF objects's automation peer id/name?
If that is not possible. Is there any way to write a custom script that would extract the WPF automation peer id and make it accessible to Test Complete (for object mapping purposes)?
More Details:
I have the UI Automation plugin enabled and my list of accepted windows is *(all), DirectUIHWND, Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow
This allows me to see the UI Automation properties of the main window ONLY, not the buttons.
..but the XAML does have Automation properties for the buttons:
<Button x:Name="Test_B" Content="Test B"
AutomationProperties.AutomationId="Test A ID"
AutomationProperties.Name="Test A Name"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
Am I in the right track here?