Forum Discussion

simonaferrara's avatar
Frequent Contributor
2 years ago

White popup on the first TestExecute run


I have got a virtual machine that, before executing the automatic tests through an Azure DevOps release pipeline, is reverted to a checkpoint. The checkpoint contains an installed Test Execute of the latest major version 15.

After the switch to the ID-based license sometimes the automatic tests execution is not started by the release pipeline and it is highlighted a TestExecute connection error on getting the test list within the project. 

The shown error within the release pipeline is:

##[error]Failed to get a list of tests from the "<projectPath>\<projectName.pjs" file due to the following error: Unable to connect to TestExecute: Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE))

After some analysis I've understand that the issue comes because, within the checkpoint, the first time when TestExecute is run, a white popup (completely empty) appears for some seconds (5-10 seconds), and after that it disappears and TestExecute is correctly up&running. After this first strange situation, when I close and then start TestExecute, the white popup is not shown anymore so TestExecute can be correctly opened without strange situations.

I'm able to resolve the release pipeline issue by regenerating the checkpoint after executing the above steps (so, after opening at least one time TestExecute), but it is frustrating to redo it frequently moreover because I don't know the root cause of this issue that I would like to resolve permanently.

Did anyone fall in this "white" screen issue on the first TestExecute run? 

Do you have an idea of the root cause of this issue?








  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    That looks like the actual TestExecute application. What version of TE are you using? And have you tried reinstalling TE? Is TE running on Windows 10?

    • simonaferrara's avatar
      Frequent Contributor


      TestExecute version is: x64 .

      It is running on Windows 10.

      I've not tried to reinstall it. Do you suggest it?

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        That is the same version that I am using, and I've never seen that issue before. It might be worth doing a reinstall. Smartbear ID based license could be causing an issue, ensure you have internet access.

        Ensure 'Check for updates at startup' is disabled in TE settings too. 

        Was it working before?

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Simona,


    My wild guess about this white window is that this may be a kind of 'contacting license server' web page message that is displayed via Internet Explorer which is set as a default browser on this system and IE cannot render this web page.

    How do you access TE license in pipeline?

    We here use the the -accessKey parameter ( and I do not remember ever having problems with license access (though we do not restore test box from snapshot).

    Below is corresponding .yaml task configuration:

        - task: InstallTestCompleteAdapter@1
          displayName: TestComplete test adapter installer
          condition: SucceededorFailed()
          continueOnError: true
            installExecutor: true
            updateExecutor: false
            searchMode: ProjectItems
            logsLevel: 0
            accessKey: '$(SBAK_ALK)'
            preferredExecutor: TE


    • simonaferrara's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi AlexKaras ,

      I've got Microsoft Edge browser as default browser, so maybe the first hypothesis is not appening.

      Within the yaml pipeline, I don't use the accessKey field, is it suggested to be used? 
      This is my yaml task:


      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > Within the yaml pipeline, I don't use the accessKey field, is it suggested to be used?

        I am not sure if it is suggested, but documentation (see the article I referenced in my first reply) mentions that it can be used and provided either via Adapter or via command-line (if Adapter cannot be used for some reason and you prefer/are forced to use command-line instead of Adapter-VSTask pair).

        I don't expect any harm if you give it a try and make pipeline to use accessKey.


        > issue happens also without the Azure DevOps pipeline

        As a quick check, you may try to restore from checkpoint and start TestExecute manually using command-line with accessKey parameter provided.


        Also check in TE's options if TE is set up to check for updates on start. This white window also might be a window that tries to tell you about existing update.

  • simonaferrara's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Since the suggestions doesn't help to resolve the issue, and it appears also on latest version, I've opened a direct ticket to the support.

  • What happens if you run TestExecute without the Azure DevOps pipeline?

  • simonaferrara's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    rraghvanithis is a screenshot of the shown white popup:

    Marsha_Rthis issue happens also without the Azure DevOps pipeline, if I manually revert the machine to the checkpoint, power on the machine and then I open for the first time Test Execute.