Forum Discussion

delito's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Chrome Login popup not detected


Version: 15.31.374.7 x64

Browser: Chrome Version 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Running: Locally



I've been using the below piece of code for 6+ months and occasionally it fails and will not identify the login fields to populate the username and password, is there a better more reliable way to handle this ?









          Aliases.browser.pageSignOut2.Login.UserName = Project.Variables.Username;
          Aliases.browser.pageSignOut2.Login.Password = Project.Variables.Password;







Ive also tried the below which has occasionally worked but at the moment its not.






//          Aliases.browser.pageSignOut2.Login.textboxUsername.Keys(Project.Variables.Username);
//          Aliases.browser.pageSignOut2.Login.textboxPassword.Keys(Project.Variables.Password);
//          Aliases.browser.pageSignOut2.Login.buttonOk.Click()







  • Hi, it seems this issue was resolved in Version: 15.40.421.7 x64 as after I updated its back working again, without any changes to scripts. Out of curiosity I then ran the same code on the VM which failed for the same issue originally reported so I logged into the VM and updated TestClient, now the runs from DevOps are working again, thank you.

  • delito 


    Can you tell me what type of error message you are seeing when this code does not work?




    • delito's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi ebarbera


      There is no error related to the popup, it just passes over the if statement and doesn't enter it then eventually fails on the next element as the screen hasn't progressed.


      If I take away the if statement and let it move onto the username it ends up with the below error:

      Unable to find the object Login.  - The object with the specified attributes does not exist.



      page.Login.UserName = Project.Variables.Username;
      page.Login.Password = Project.Variables.Password;



  • delito's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi, it seems this issue was resolved in Version: 15.40.421.7 x64 as after I updated its back working again, without any changes to scripts. Out of curiosity I then ran the same code on the VM which failed for the same issue originally reported so I logged into the VM and updated TestClient, now the runs from DevOps are working again, thank you.