13 years agoNew Contributor
Warning/Errors not in Logs
Odd question, ive been using Test Complete for a little while now, ive found that recently certain errors and warnings no longer show in the Script Test Log. Working mainly with scripts at the moment.
For example, one part of a script connects to a database, for example:
For example, one part of a script connects to a database, for example:
Conn["ConnectionString"] = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=<Database>;Data Source=<Instance>";
Now initially while i was writing this, if i put in the Instance name incorrectly, i would get an error in the Script Test Log stating that database xxxx could not be found.
Recently, if the instnace name is incorrect, the script runs for a while, then just shows the Script test log, showing no errors or warnings at all. I have all the filters ticked (error, warning, message, event, checkpoint).
Any help would be much appreciated =)