3 years agoFrequent Contributor
Warning in Log file
Hi Team,
After execution in log file, it returns the warning message as " The browser is already running" because the browser in already opened so it's throwing warning message.
How can I overcome this issue without closing the browser???
and also I have tried to block that message using the following coding
var block=aqString.Find(LogParams.Str, "The browser is already running");
But it shows ReferenceError as "LogParams is not defined"!
Anyone help me regarding this.
Thanks in advance!!!
See the example in Log.Enabled Property and Typical Event Handler Tasks (Blocking Log Messages)
My preference would be to use the following,
function BrowserTest() { if (!Sys.WaitBrowser("chrome").Exists) { Browsers.Item("chrome").Run("http://smartbear.com/"); } else { Browsers.Item("chrome").Navigate("https://www.w3schools.com/"); } }