Forum Discussion

Mis3's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago

Output some selected parameters of XML response to a log file

I tried to output certain parameters of a XML response (below) to a log file.

The parameters I like to output:  CoSID, PIN, iPhoneDevice, etc.   Not sure how to do this.


def xmlResponse = tStep.getPropertyValue("Response")
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlResponse)


I tried a few combinations of the following 2 lines with no success.   

def MESSAGE2 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.RepositoryData.ServiceData.MetaSphereData.Msph_Subscriber_BaseInformation.CoSID.text()
// def MESSAGE2 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.@COSID.text() MESSAGE2


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns1:ShPullResponse xmlns:ns1="">
<ns1:ExtendedResultDetail>Request successful</ns1:ExtendedResultDetail>
<ud:Sh-Data xmlns:ud="" xmlns:u="">
<s:MetaSphereData xmlns:s="">
<s:SelfProvStatus>Not applicable</s:SelfProvStatus>

  • Looks the data fields are unique in this case; so easy to extract with a simple closure.



    def getData = { item -> xml.'**'.find{ == item }?.text() }
    //You may use or assign value instead of print if you want to process that info further.
    println getData('ResultCode')
    println getData('ExtendedResultCode')
    println getData('CoSID')
    println getData('PIN')
    println getData('iPhoneDevice')




  • Mis3's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    I tried the following lines in the Groovy.

    So far, I can output only MESSAGE1 and MESSAGE2 properly but not the rest.  In other words, I cannot access any data below ExtendedResult in the XML response.

    Any suggestion is appreciated.   Thanks.


    def MESSAGE1 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.ResultCode.text()
    def MESSAGE2 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.ExtendedResult.ExtendedResultCode.text()

    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.SequenceNumber.text()
    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.@SequenceNumber.text()
    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.RepositoryData.SequenceNumber.text()
    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.RepositoryData.ServiceData.MetaSphereData.Msph_Subscriber_BaseInformation.CoSID.text()
    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.RepositoryData.ServiceData.MetaSphereData.Msph_Subscriber_BaseInformation.@CoSID.text()
    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.Sh_Data.RepositoryData.ServiceData.MetaSphereData.Msph_Subscriber_BaseInformation.CoSID.text()
    def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.UserData.ServiceData.MetaSphereData.CoSID.text()
    // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.@COSID.text()

    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero
      Hey @@Mis3,

      Im on my phone so cant see to check properly but i notice you are using the @ symbol in your xpath on element names. The @ symbol is oy used to specify attributes of an element. That is, id youre apecifying an element dont use the @ symbol.

      Also, xpath is case sensitive so make sure you follow the upper/lower case exactly how it appears in your xml.

      I'll have a look tomorrow when im on my laptop,


      • Mis3's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Thanks , Richie. Please take a look when you have the chance 
        As shown in my 1st post, the XML response is a bit complicated.  I thought I could use the @ symbol because all the parameter names are unique.    
        Anyway, in my 2nd post, I listed everything I tried.  I did try with the @ symbol and without. 

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Looks the data fields are unique in this case; so easy to extract with a simple closure.



    def getData = { item -> xml.'**'.find{ == item }?.text() }
    //You may use or assign value instead of print if you want to process that info further.
    println getData('ResultCode')
    println getData('ExtendedResultCode')
    println getData('CoSID')
    println getData('PIN')
    println getData('iPhoneDevice')




    • Mis3's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I tried and it is working great. 

      Since the responses of most of the APIs (with a few exceptions)  have unique attribute names, this getData function will work great for me.


      For my education:

      1.  I tried this statement:  

      def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.Sh-Data.RepositoryData.SequenceNumber and it failed with error "groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException:No such property:Data for class:Script8 error at line:59"

      Looks to me that the Groovy does not like the hyphen in Sh-Data.    Since this Sh-Data is present in the XML response, why does this fail?

      2.  I thought if the XML response have unique attribute names, I can use the "@" sign to retrieve the attribute value.

      In this case:

      // def MESSAGE3 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.@SequenceNumber.text()

      No error from Groovy but it does not provide me with the SequenceNumber.





      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        1. Element name 'Sh-Data' is not a standard practice, I guess. You can wrap it between quotes.
        2. In your data, there is no attribute. So simply ignored.