Output some selected parameters of XML response to a log file
I tried to output certain parameters of a XML response (below) to a log file.
The parameters I like to output: CoSID, PIN, iPhoneDevice, etc. Not sure how to do this.
def xmlResponse = tStep.getPropertyValue("Response")
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlResponse)
I tried a few combinations of the following 2 lines with no success.
def MESSAGE2 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.UserData.RepositoryData.ServiceData.MetaSphereData.Msph_Subscriber_BaseInformation.CoSID.text()
// def MESSAGE2 = xml.Body.ShPullResponse.@COSID.text()
log.info MESSAGE2
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns1:ShPullResponse xmlns:ns1="http://www.metaswitch.com/srb/soap/sh">
<ns1:ExtendedResultDetail>Request successful</ns1:ExtendedResultDetail>
<ud:Sh-Data xmlns:ud="http://www.metaswitch.com/srb/soap/sh/userdata" xmlns:u="http://www.metaswitch.com/sdp/soap/sh/userdata">
<s:MetaSphereData xmlns:s="http://www.metaswitch.com/sdp/soap/sh/servicedata">
<s:SelfProvStatus>Not applicable</s:SelfProvStatus>
Looks the data fields are unique in this case; so easy to extract with a simple closure.
def getData = { item -> xml.'**'.find{it.name() == item }?.text() } //You may use log.info or assign value instead of print if you want to process that info further. println getData('ResultCode') println getData('ExtendedResultCode') println getData('CoSID') println getData('PIN') println getData('iPhoneDevice')