Want to select on checkbox whose xpath is not captured in object spy
- 3 years ago
I contacted to smart bear and i got this respond ( and that was amazing)
You may be able to expose the individual elements on the menu by using MSAA. You can apply for MSAA by following these steps:
1) To use MSAA with an object, we need to use the WndClass of the object. To do so, open the object's properties in the object spy, then, under the standard view, look for "WndClass". Right-click this property and select "Copy" to copy the contents of this property. If you do not see a WndClass property, make sure your object spy is using the advanced view. There will be a blue link with the text "Show more members" if you are in the basic view, in this case click the blue link to swap to the advanced view.
2) Afterwards, go to the project properties, then go to Open Applications | MSAA.
3) Once there, select "Add" on the right side of the workspace. A new row should be added on the bottom of the list.
4) In the right column, paste the "WndClass" property. On the left column, make sure to check the checkbox.
Afterward, save the project, then refresh the object browser.
More Information on MSAA can be found in the following link:
UI Automation Approach (If MSAA doesn't work):
This approach is the same as MSAA, however, for step 2, instead, go to Open Applications | UI Automation. Every other step should however be the same.
More information on UI Automation can be found at the following link: