Forum Discussion

rajforu2k6's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

WaitChild method - ChildName input : Does this ChildName as input should be direct child object of parent object or can it be any child object in that object hierarchy. Please advise.

Also, Noticed that below statement is executed correctly by Testcomplete without any errors and it is waiting for specified time-out period irrespective of whatever the childname is. Can anyone please...
  • maximojo's avatar
    12 years ago
    that sounds right to me. if "raj" does not exist it will wait 20 seconds and then NOT enter the "if".

    What do you expect to occur?

    It needs to be a direct child so if the alias is:


    then your "if" would never be true.

    it would need to be


    and then of course be loaded :)

    You can setup aliases to objects any way you like so if "raj" as a mapped object is this:


    you can setup an alias for it to be:
