Forum Discussion

thilakasiri1978's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Modify the test result hierarchy


In our automation architecture we used one driverscript and it calls the required test cases.


Driver Script  =>> TC1, TC2 , TC3 and using data sheet we manage the test cases we need to run.


My issue is in Test Results log all the checkpoint comes under one level. (Please see the Image).

I need to get separate branches for each test cases and appreciate your thoughts.

  • at the beginning of each function(testcase)  in ur script u can add something like this

       TestCase1= Log.CreateFolder("TestCase1")




      '\\\\\\\\ @ the End of fucntion


2 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    We use Append and Pop at the top and bottom of each test so that it indents a new section every time another test is called.  It wouldn't be three separate logs but you could easily see which test was running if you put good comments in the message.

    See my attachments for an example.
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    at the beginning of each function(testcase)  in ur script u can add something like this

       TestCase1= Log.CreateFolder("TestCase1")




      '\\\\\\\\ @ the End of fucntion
