Forum Discussion

maximojo's avatar
Frequent Contributor
10 years ago

Modify response with request data

Hi all,


Newb question for you. 


All I want to do is grab data from the request and add it to the response. In this case a transactionId from the request I want to transfer to the response transactionId field.


I have put a variable in the response:




and can get it to update from the script (I'm using a "Sequence" response). However I can't get the data from the request. 


Any pointers are appreciated.



  • Actuall I think I figured it out.


    def request = new XmlSlurper().parseText(mockRequest.requestContent)
    def a = request.Body.Transaction.TransactionId
    context.transId = a


    So now my response uses the same TransactionId as the request.


    However if anyone has any better way to do this please let me know.



  • maximojo's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Actuall I think I figured it out.


    def request = new XmlSlurper().parseText(mockRequest.requestContent)
    def a = request.Body.Transaction.TransactionId
    context.transId = a


    So now my response uses the same TransactionId as the request.


    However if anyone has any better way to do this please let me know.



    • LoundesM's avatar

      Hiya couple of other methods


      //with xml based request

      def groovyUtils = new context )

      def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mockRequest.requestContent)

      def transID = holder.getNodeValue("//TransactionId")


      //non xml based request

      def groovyUtils = new context )

      def queryContext = mockRequest.getRequestContext()

      def transID = queryContext.get("TransactionId")




      • samuel_perez's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Is there a similar Sample for JSON/ REST vs SOAP/XML?