Forum Discussion

Oferv's avatar
Super Contributor
14 years ago

WaitAliasesChild cannot found existing child object


i'm using WaitAliasesChild in order to find a child object that has just been added to the application and TC is unable to find it.the name of the new object as display in the object spy is as follows ("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1). so my WaitAliasesChild  looks like this

Aliases["DesktopMainWindow"]["NavigationalPaneTOCTree"]["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", UpdatedTab)["WaitAliasChild"](("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1), 10000)["Exists"]

UpdatedTab - is the tab where the new document was updated which it's randomal

AddedDocumnt - is the document name that was updated

is there a problem with that or should it work according to what i wrote?

  • sbkeenan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Ofer

    I'm not too sure about the syntax of your chosen script language, but the problem you are experiencing is most likely due to the way in which you have used the WaitAliasChild method.  As far as I know, it accepts two parameters, the child name and the wait time, but your statement looks like it is supplying the method with three parameters.  The method should read along the lines of:

    ....WaitAliasChild("<child name>", <wait time>)...

    You should also check to ensure that all the previously listed objects in the statement have been correctly mapped and are available to TestComplete before it executes the WaitAliasChild part, for example, if the ["WPFObject"] isn't available, then nothing after that will be available.   So, it may be that you need to introduce the WaitAliasChild method sooner in order that TestComplete waits until a previous object becomes 'visible'

    Hope this helps.




    Posts 162


    i'm using WaitAliasesChild in order to find a child object that has just been added to the application and TC is unable to find it.the name of the new object as display in the object spy is as follows ("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1). so my WaitAliasesChild  looks like this

    Aliases["DesktopMainWindow"]["NavigationalPaneTOCTree"]["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", UpdatedTab)["WaitAliasChild"](("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1), 10000)["Exists"]

    UpdatedTab - is the tab where the new document was updated which it's randomal

    AddedDocumnt - is the document name that was updated

    is there a problem with that or should it work according to what i wrote?

  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor

    i copied the wrong line you are right here is the correct one

    Aliases["DesktopMainWindow"]["NavigationalPaneTOCTree"]["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", UpdatedTab)["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", "*")["WPFObject"]("Grid", "", 1)["WaitAliasChild"](("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1), 10000)["Exists"]

    the problem i'm facing now is that the wildcard (in bold) is not recognized the original identification uses a number there but since the number is irrelevant for me i want to use "*" instead but it looks like TC can't recognize this object because of the wildcard.

    why is that?

  • sbkeenan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Ofer

    It may be that WPFTreeViewItem doesn't accept wild cards.  I haven't worked with such controls myself, but it may be that you need to use the Item property to specify a specific item.  See WPFTreeViewItem Object in the help files.

    I still think, however,  that the WaitAliasChild section of your statement is wrong as it looks like you are passing 3 parameters rather than 2.  If you refer to the help files, for the WaitAliasChild method, you can see an example of its use and this can be displayed in your scripting language, which should give you a better understanding of its use.


  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Stephen,

    It's two you probably didn't noticed,i have bold it for you

    Aliases["DesktopMainWindow"]["NavigationalPaneTOCTree"]["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", UpdatedTab)["WaitAliasChild"](("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1), 10000)["Exists"]

    1.("TextBlock", AddedDocumnt, 1)



    but,still i would like someone from the SmartBear support team to take a look at this maybe they have an answer

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Ofer,

    why is that?

    This situation is caused by the fact that TestComplete doesn't allow using wildcards instead of indexes. For more information, see the description of the WPFObject method and its parameters.

    One more note: please clarify why you cannot specify a numeric value of the index parameter in this method.


  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Irina,

    actually i manage to get over this problem by taking the childcount from the object after its creation and that solved my problem.

    But now,since i'm searching for an added file name i'm using this as a code line:

    Aliases["DesktopMainWindow"]["NavigationalPaneTOCTree"]["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", UpdatedTab)["WPFObject"]("TreeViewItem", "", ChildCount - 1)["WPFObject"]("Grid", "", 1)["WPFObject"]("TextBlock", "AddedDocumnt*", 1)["Exists"]

    why i can't use wildcard here?this is not an index.

  • Oferv's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Ok Irina thanks for the help i solved that one