Forum Discussion

danhoeger's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 months ago

dotNET.System_IO doesn't exist anymore?

I just upgraded TestComplete to and now when I try to run my application I'm getting the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'Path' of undefined    8:00:36    Normal            5.22

 The line it has an error on is the following: Log.SaveResultsAs(dotNET.System_IO.Path.Combine_3(ProjectSuite.Path,"MHT_FILES",TestCaseName+".mht"), lsMHT);

so Basically "System_IO" is undefined.

anyone know what happened here?

  • Hi,


    danhoeger wrote:

    The line it has an error on is the following: Log.SaveResultsAs(dotNET.System_IO.Path.Combine_3(ProjectSuite.Path,"MHT_FILES",TestCaseName+".mht"), lsMHT);

    If Combine_3() is the only method that you have problem with, then it can be replaced with the call to aqString.Format() (and I would expect better performance and less dependency from .Net):

    Log.SaveResultAs(aqString.Format("%s\\%s\\%s\\.mht", ProjectSuite.Path, "MHT_FILES", TestCaseName), lsMHT);


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    danhoeger wrote:

    The line it has an error on is the following: Log.SaveResultsAs(dotNET.System_IO.Path.Combine_3(ProjectSuite.Path,"MHT_FILES",TestCaseName+".mht"), lsMHT);

    If Combine_3() is the only method that you have problem with, then it can be replaced with the call to aqString.Format() (and I would expect better performance and less dependency from .Net):

    Log.SaveResultAs(aqString.Format("%s\\%s\\%s\\.mht", ProjectSuite.Path, "MHT_FILES", TestCaseName), lsMHT);


    • danhoeger's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      This will work around the issue. (it wasn't just this method that I'm calling but I'm able to work around the other method too)

      Normally I don't like hard coding the path separator char in my scripts because a lot of my scripts need to run on both Linux and Windows but in this case the tests are all only ever run on windows machines so I guess it's ok in this situation.

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        If I am not mistaken, slashes in file path work on Windows as well...

        I.e. I would expect that

        Log.SaveResultAs(aqString.Format("%s/%s/%s/.mht", ProjectSuite.Path, "MHT_FILES", TestCaseName), lsMHT);

        will work correctly.

        In addition, you may consider aqFileSystem.IncludeTrailingBackSlash() method as well...


  • I just posted a question, regarding dotNet.System_IO.File.WriteAllText, which fails for me with the same error (just with File property). So I'm going to downgrade as well. I'm going to create the ticket as well. Just to push the TC folks a bit in action :) 

    Downgrading to version fixed the problem.

    PS: the TC support confirmed a bug in 15.65. The only solution now is to downgrade to 15.64. But the problem should be fixed in the next version. 

    • ChiefBrian's avatar

      Glad to hear you got it confirmed as a bug.  I submitted a report almost a week ago. My tech only replied saying he would be on vacation for a week and I would have to wait till he gets back for a response.  Hopefully a fix comes soon. 

  • danhoeger's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    it sure would be nice if there was a way to roll-back an update or even be able to install an older version.  (I can't even find where to install the current version of Test complete right now)  I used to install it from the link from the Licensing site but now that we are on the user based licensing I can't figure out where the download link has been moved to or even if I can downlod an older build to see if this fixes my issue.  I'm having to use another machine that I told it to skip the update.

    • danhoeger's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      FYI - I opened a support ticket but haven't gotten a response yet that's been hours ago and I'm basically blocked right now not able to use TestComplete for any of my tests.

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Try the following links - replace the name and number with the version that you require.


    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3



      danhoeger wrote:

      I can't even find where to install the current version of Test complete right now

      Downloads are Installer can be downloaded from either:

      -- old Customer Portal (; or

      -- new (expand to some license node and there will be Download icon):


      • danhoeger's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Thanks.  looks like I will have to revert back to 15.64.3.

  • We are having the same problem. Is there a fix for this available?  

  • The problem appears to be fixed in most recent TC version However, it seems it now requires installation of windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.7-win-x64. At least I was asked to do so when the code reached dotNet.System_IO.File.WriteAllText line.