8 months agoOccasional Contributor
dotNET.System_IO doesn't exist anymore?
I just upgraded TestComplete to and now when I try to run my application I'm getting the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Path' of undefined 8:00:36 Normal ...
- 8 months ago
danhoeger wrote:
The line it has an error on is the following: Log.SaveResultsAs(dotNET.System_IO.Path.Combine_3(ProjectSuite.Path,"MHT_FILES",TestCaseName+".mht"), lsMHT);
If Combine_3() is the only method that you have problem with, then it can be replaced with the call to aqString.Format() (and I would expect better performance and less dependency from .Net):
Log.SaveResultAs(aqString.Format("%s\\%s\\%s\\.mht", ProjectSuite.Path, "MHT_FILES", TestCaseName), lsMHT);