Forum Discussion
It is possible to see logs from TestExecute (TE) test runs in TestComplete (TC) environment and Tanya's reply was absolutely correct.
As she wrote, TE saves original test log in the Log\ subfolder of your test project (where .mds file is located). Referring the image from your initial post, this will be C:\LVL_TestComplete\TMI\OPC\OPC\Log one.
TE has the default setting to display test log on test run end. In order to do this, it exports the log as an .mht file into temporary folder and opens the exported file in the browser. This is what you see on the screen after test run.
When you open your test project in TC, you will see logs generated by TC and TE under the Logs node in the Project Explorer.
TE has no means to open and display original test logs because TE is just a runtime engine to execute test code. It is possible to open test logs from TE (by right-clicking TE icon in the system tray), but the opened logs will always be an exported copies (.mht) of the original test logs. Original test logs can be opened with TC only.
Did the above make things more clear?