Forum Discussion

nh512613's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Using Session Creator for automatic testing

Hi we are facing problems with the SessionCreator running TestComplete as administrator, is there a way to make the SessionCreator start TestComplete as a normal user? The SessionCreator is used like this: ' "F:\SmartBear_Server\TestComplete 15\Bin\SessionCreator.exe" RunTest /UserName:BPS1\testcompleteuser /password:******** /ProjectPath:"E:\Entwicklung\AutoTest_Release\AutoTest_Skripte\BPSTest\TestProject\TestProject.mds" /UA '

  • When you log onto the machine as BPS1\testcompleteuser (normal user), and launch your application manually, it launches without administrator permissions. But though SessionCreator, it's launching your application with administrator permissions?


    There's no parameters in what you have provided, that indicates to use administrator permissions.


    How is your application launched via TestComplete? If you are using TestedApps, I suggest your check you Run Mode settings

7 Replies

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    When you log onto the machine as BPS1\testcompleteuser (normal user), and launch your application manually, it launches without administrator permissions. But though SessionCreator, it's launching your application with administrator permissions?


    There's no parameters in what you have provided, that indicates to use administrator permissions.


    How is your application launched via TestComplete? If you are using TestedApps, I suggest your check you Run Mode settings

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    The credentials that you are using for SessionCreator, is that user able to run the TestComplete command without issues? 


    With SeesionCreator, you can run the automation using the active session or launch a new sesssion using credentials provided (also remember to set /ScreenResolution). But the user needs to have the appropriate permissions.

  • nh512613's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    The user we are using for SessionCreator is able to run the Command without issues.

    We are getting the same behavior when we start to program with the SessionCreator as we get when it is started as administrator. The Problem is that starting the program as administrator is not what we looking for in our tests.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm a bit confused.


    What user account are you using to launch SessionCreator? The program that you are starting as Administator, what is it?


    SessionCreator will use the credentials of /UserName, that will be used to start a session or to connect to an existing session to launch TestComplete or TestExecute


    Have you followed SessionCreator requirements?

  • nh512613's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    The user account i am using to start SessionCreator is a normal windows user, named testcompleteuser. The program which gets started as administrator is the application we are trying to test (our own product).

    Under normal circumstances the tested application is not started as administrator, for example when TestComplete is started manually under testcompleteuser and the TestProject is exectued, the tested application will start as the singed in user. However when the same Project is started over the SessionCreator, the tested application will start as administrator even when setting the right user in the parameters for the SessionCreator.


    The SessionCreator requirements are all fulfilled.

  • nh512613's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thank you for you responses.

    I didnt knew about about RunAs Mode, this helped to fix my problem with starting the TestedApplication as wrong user.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    And I was not aware you was using TestedApps, which made it difficult to diagnose the issue!