Forum Discussion

rec3's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Session Creator / New User Session / Windows Settings

I have created a python script that launches Session Creator with the desired parameters. I have been able to use this program successfully for around the last 3 months but have never been able to use the /UA flag. This flag is ment to create a new user session instead of using the active one. After adding some logging to my python program I can see that SessionCreator is out putting this error message. Although I have gone through multiple online solutions I have not been able to find the correct windows settings to make this work. Does anyone have any suggestions? 

SessionCreator : Failed to create the user session.

The user 'computer-name\\qa' failed to log in to this host using Remote Desktop. The remote computer requires Network Level Authentication, which your computer does not support. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.