Forum Discussion

pjaudrey's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Unistall and Installation automation script


I am having trouble to have the ‘Display Object Spy’ from Test Complete to ‘highlight’ on below screens. (Please refer to the attached screen)

I just want to know how to go about implementing automated installation and un-installation process. 



  • Hi Audrey,

    Please try using the script from Allen's (May 11, 2011) or Du Tran's posts (this is the same script in different languages) in the thread Alexei mentioned and let me know your results.
  • pjaudrey's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi David,

    Yes I had tried that below code which is posted from Du Tran and I am getting error:-

     If Not p.Exists Then

       Call Log.Error("The 'Add or remove programs' dialog was not found")

    Sub SelectApplicationFromControlPanel()

      Dim WshShell, oExec, p, w, applicationWnd

      Dim button, applicationName, buttonName, programsList


      applicationName = "APPLICATION_NAME"

      buttonName = "Uninstall*"


       Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

      Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,"&_

                                "Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,0")  



      Set p = Sys.Process("Explorer").FindChild("WndCaption", "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features")

      If Not p.Exists Then

        Call Log.Error("The 'Add or remove programs' dialog was not found")


        Set programsList = p.FindChild("WndClass", "SysListView32", 20) 


        Call programsList.ClickItem(applicationName, 0)

        Dim propArray(1)

        propArray(0) = "Caption"

        propArray(1) = "ObjectType"

        Dim valuesArray(1)

        valuesArray(0) = buttonName

        valuesArray(1) = "Button"

        Set button = p.FindChild(propArray, valuesArray, 20)

        Call button.Click()

        'Insert Uninstall Code Here


      End If

    End Sub


  • Hi Audrey,

    Modify the line:

    Set p = Sys.Process("Explorer").FindChild("WndCaption", "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features")

    in the following way:

    Set p = Sys.Process("Explorer", 2).FindChild("WndCaption", "Programs and Features")

  • pjaudrey's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi David,

    After replacing the statement I received the attached error



  • Hi Audrey,

    It seems you are using the How To script. You need to make corrections to the script you posted, not the original one. Try using the following script:

    Sub SelectApplicationFromControlPanel() 

      Dim WshShell, oExec, p, w, applicationWnd 

      Dim button, applicationName, buttonName, programsList 

      applicationName = "APPLICATION_NAME" 

      buttonName = "Uninstall*" 

      Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

      Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,"&_ 

                                "Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,0")   



      Set p = Sys.Process("Explorer", 2).FindChild("WndCaption", "Programs and Features")

      If Not p.Exists Then 

        Call Log.Error("The 'Add or remove programs' dialog was not found") 


        Set programsList = p.FindChild("WndClass", "SysListView32", 20)  


        Call programsList.ClickItem(applicationName, 0) 

        Dim propArray(1) 

        propArray(0) = "Caption" 

        propArray(1) = "ObjectType" 

        Dim valuesArray(1) 

        valuesArray(0) = buttonName 

        valuesArray(1) = "Button" 

        Set button = p.FindChild(propArray, valuesArray, 20) 

        Call button.Click() 

        'Insert Uninstall Code Here


      End If 

    End Sub

    Does this help?
  • pjaudrey's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi David,

    1.  Yes, the scripts that you give trigger the Unistall process.  So now I will have to code the rest of the unistall code.

    2.  Just a query, the script that you provide is able to handle different type of Windows OS like Windows Server 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7 with 32 bits and 64 bits? Or there should be handle different by different script for unistall and install?


    Audrey NG

  • Hi Audrey,

    The script is meant to be used on Windows 7. However, it is possible that it can be run on other operating systems. One should take into consideration that the needed window can have different names ("Add or remove programs" or "Programs and Features") and be the child of the first or second instance of Explorer.