"Unexpected error from external database driver (1)" in TestComplete following MS update KB4041676
We have recently installed the latest Windows updates on our test environments and have since noticed any tests that use Data-driven testing with Excel spreadsheets have stopped working. Any test that fails gives an "Unexpected error from external database driver (1)" message.
After scouring around online we have tried the following to resolve:
- Resaving a spreadsheet with 2007 format (.xlsx)
- Upgrading TestComplete to 12.4 version
- Downloading and installing the driver for Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 (ACE)
The problem still occurred.
We then tried uninstalling the Windows update KB4041676 and the issue was resolved. Albeit, temporarily until Windows forces the install of the update again!
Does anyone know how to resolve this?
I'll be raising a Support case shortly to seek further help on this. Unfortunately, it seems something has changed which has caused this to break, either in the Windows update or somewhere else but it does seem significant that uninstalling KB4041676 seems to fix it...
Your help is appreciated.