Forum Discussion

Anand5Phadke's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 months ago

Unable to identify WPF object in Test complete release version 15.65.12

Unable to identify WPF object in Test complete release version 15.65.12 but its working as expected in 15.64.3

I have a test written in test complete for WPF application. Post installation of updated test complete version the wpf object is not getting identified correctly

Its showing as window instead of WPF object in version 15.65.12. But same is working as expected in 15.64.3
Am I missing any settings in the updated version for the WPF application

will appreciate help in this

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Anand5Phadke wrote:

    Its showing as window instead of WPF object

    This is confirmed problem with TC 15.65.12.