Forum Discussion

swapna-erram's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Unable to identify the Infragistics Controls and children with TestComplete

Hi ,


We are trying to automate our desktop application having Infragistics and DevExpress Controls.

With Test Complete we are able to capture only parent control and unable to identify children inside in it.


Could you guide us how to identify inner controls of Infragistics.






  • sanjay0288's avatar
    Frequent Contributor


       Your question is too generic. Can you specify which type of infragistic control you are not able to identify. Probably screenshot of the control along with the object properties and methods of the object spy in advanced mode might help.


    If it is a custom infragistic control try the below mentioned steps:


     Open Project's Object Mapping options and add the control class name to the corresponding child(subgroup) of the infragistics control group.


    For the list of supported controls and recognizing custom controls please refer to the link below



    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      It will also help to know what kind of control it is that you are trying to capture.  For example, if the parent control is a grid, what kind of grid is it?  AS sanjay0288, it would help us help you if we know a bit more about the control you are working with and whether or not it is in the list of supported controls.

      • swapna-erram's avatar
        Occasional Contributor
        Hi, Thanks for the quick response. The control we are interacting is 'Tree Ribbon Backstage View gallery Control" Attached the snapshots
  • swapna-erram's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks for the info.
    For some of the custom controls iam using native properties and able to interact with.
    My application is Delphi application and built using compiled with debug information.
    Now iam facing different issue. We have some model popups displayed when we click on some controls. When the popup displayed my VBScript code looks like struck up and when i close the popup my code is returning to next statement. Is there any specific way to handle model popups.

    Could you please help on this?
    • sanjay0288's avatar
      Frequent Contributor


         You can try the making use of the sample code provided in the smartbear forum. Below is the sample vbscript coded taken from the forum


      Sub Test
      Dim p, w, ResObject
      ' Calls the method that displays a modal dialog
      Set ResObject = Runner.CallObjectMethodAsync(p.VCLObject("MainForm")._
      VCLObject("ADialog"), "Execute")

      ' Simulates user actions over the dialog and closes it
      Set w = p.WaitWindow("*", " ADialogCaption ", -1, 1000)
      If w.Exists Then
      w.Window("Button", "*Ok*").ClickButton()
      Log.Message("The window was not found.")
      End If
      ' Waits for the method completion
      ' Processes the result
      If ResObject.Completed Then
      Log.Message("Success, Return Value: " + CStr(ResObject.ReturnValue))
      Log.Message("Failure, Return Value: " + CStr(ResObject.ReturnValue))
      End If
      End Sub



      • swapna-erram's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Thnks a lot for reply. it worked for me very well.

        It is working for Click actions perfectly not pausing the playback. But we have some actions like Object.Checked =True.

        How can we mention Checked Action in Runner.CallObjectMethodAsync method?

