Forum Discussion

VijayHugar's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Unable to Identify "dockPanelExplore" object

I am using window's based ERP application which is on .net with DevExpress controls.

My Scenario is to check whether application is launched successfully or not. The Home page of application dont have any status which indicates application is ready to use, So I have only one option left to use 'Favorities' control which appears only when application is ready to use. So I have to check if this 'Favorities' object exists or not.

When I make Object Spy on this control's and mapped it, it shows mapped name as "Aliases.appname.MainForm.hideContainerRight.dockPanelExplore".

So in order to check whether this object which is belongs to class WinFormsObject ,exists or not, I used following Wait method

If Aliases.Order.MainForm.hideContainerRight.WaitWinFormsObject(dockPanelExplore, 30000).Exists Then


             Log.Message "Company "&Driver.Value(1)&" launched successfully." 


             Log.Picture   sys.Desktop.Picture, "Screen shot of error message"

             Log.Message "Failed to open "&Driver.Value(1)&", Please check log picture"

 End If

But the IF condition is always getting true even the DockPanelExplore object does not exists ( when keyed Company is not opened due to some other issue), due to this log message always shows as "Company <Company Name> launched successfully.

Please suggest me what may be the problem.

Please find the attached documents for the object properties.


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