Forum Discussion

acd2311's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Unable to find 'MFC Control Support' extension



I am automating application developed in C++. In Object browser I see objects are C++ objects. 

The prequisites says I should have below plugins installed

MFC Controls Support

Rogue Wave Controls Support


 I am unable to find 'MFC Control Support' extension in File > Install Extensions. I have verified that I have installed 'Open Applications Support'.

However, in Project Properties > Object Mapping I am able to see 'MFC' under 'Microsoft controls.'

Can you please confirm if this is the default behaviour or there is an issue with the plug in installation?


I am unable to get all the methods/properties of C++ objects. Also test execution is very slow.


e.g. Object with WndClass: SysListView32 , 

Unable to select item based on text/get selected item/search through list having multiple columns. Getting error message as 'Failed to get the text of the list view item'

2 Replies

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Annie,


    Support for these controls is added to the Microsoft Control Support plug-in that is enabled on your screenshot.


    As for the issue you faced, please make sure that your tested app is compiled with debug information. The "Preparing Visual C++ Applications for Testing" article contains the detailed instructions on how to do this based on the IDE version.