Forum Discussion

David91's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 years ago

Unable to connect to the device with the name "emulator-5554" and index 1.

I've been having problems running the emulator since this morning. "Unable to connect to the device with the name "emulator-5554" and index 1.". Yesterday everything worked normally and I did not make any changes. Please advise me how to fix this. I tried:

1. set up a new emulator
2. restart PC/TestComplete
3. Another method .. TrySetCurrent

Still the same problem. Photo of the emulator and the error I send in the attachment. I use android 7.0. It's like it can't find the emulator. My script:

function SetEmulator()
Mobile.SetCurrent("emulator-5554"); // error line

var str = Mobile.Device().ShellExecute("ps");
Log.Message("Connecting to emulator - emulator-5554 ...");

Thank you for your advice!


2 Replies

  • Hey David91!


    A few questions here to start. How is the state of your Appium server and do you see any activity in the Appium server console when TC attempts to connect? Maybe verify the Appium server IP address is still the same. Also, what is the error message when you click on 'Details' for that first failed connection step?

    • David91's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I don't use Appium. I use Legacy mobile