Forum Discussion

jeeejay's avatar
11 years ago

Toolbar tool for 'Pause test execution before posting an error' option


I really like the 'Pause test execution on posting an error' provied in TC Options under Engines>General>Debug>Pause... and use it very often.

The only inconvenience is that there's no way to know whether that option is checked/unchecked at the time of running the test. Often, I end up running a test on my test machine and switch to my desktop for other work only to go back after an hour and find that the script paused due to an error statement whereas; actually I wanted it to continue despite the errors as I had checked the option a few days ago for some other test and forgot to uncheck it later. I hope this makes sense.

It would be really nice if you could introduce a button on the Debug toolbar similar to the 'Enable Debugging' button which remains pressed and can be clicked again and set/unset the setting. Or, like other IDE's which provide separate buttons for Run and Debug, there can be a separate 'Run in pause mode' button for this case.

I'm hoping this proves to be useful to many users. Please comment.

- GJ
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