Forum Discussion

MGC's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

how to move the View toolbar

how can i move the View toolbar?  the one where the bell/messages appear.  would like to look more like toolbar 2 image.  can't move the toolbar as seen in toolbar 1 image.  thank you!

  • You can't move the bell... but you can move all the other tool bars DOWN to the same level as the bell.  When you do, then they are all on the same level and line up.


    Basically, what looks like happened is someone moved the tool bars UP off the line of the notification, creating two tool bars.  If you move things back down, they will all line up.


    Tried this myself and verified a) how they got to the position in your image 1 and b) how to get them back to image 2.

3 Replies

  • MGC's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    hi, thanks so much!

    i had tried the restore defaults but that did not clear it.

    i think the problem happened when processed an update and TMS toolbar popped on.


    tried the moving down.  was able to move down to bell line and all was going well.   got to the last one, moved down, and TC wanted to create a 3rd line for me.  🙂
    so i turned on TMS.  moved all but TMS.  then turned off TMS.  

    back to one line.


    thank you!

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    You can't move the bell... but you can move all the other tool bars DOWN to the same level as the bell.  When you do, then they are all on the same level and line up.


    Basically, what looks like happened is someone moved the tool bars UP off the line of the notification, creating two tool bars.  If you move things back down, they will all line up.


    Tried this myself and verified a) how they got to the position in your image 1 and b) how to get them back to image 2.

    • tristaanogre's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor

      You can also go to View -> Toolbars -> Restore default and that will reset as well.