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RonT's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

The window does not respond - for YesNo dialog box

I have a button I cannot click. Test Complete 12.40 VBScript


My desktop application brings up a  YesNo  dialog box, and I cannot click Yes.


The error is "The window does not respond."


In Name Mapping I can double click the object, and it brings up the dialog for the object. 


I've tried:


using the full button name -

Sys.Process("TestDriver").Window("#32770", "Test Driver", 1).Window("Button", "&Yes", 1).ClickButton

When I click HIGHLIGHT, it highlights the correct button.


and the alias name from a recording session:



I've deleted the button, and re-added it.


The error below (not responding) is confusing, as the dialog is up and functioning. It's almost as if it's trying to click on a button in the PARENT window, and that's failing.


If I record a click of just that button, and manually play back that recording at the right time, it works perfectly.

But that same code during full execution doesn't work.   AAARRRGGG!


I'm somewhat new to TestComplete, but not to automation.


Any guidance would be appreciated.


Ron T




The window with the 0x000710d4 handle exists but did not respond during the auto-wait timeout (10000 ms).

Try increasing the 'Auto-wait timeout' project property.

Tested object:
(Sys.Process("TestDriver").Window("#32770", "Test Driver", 1).Window("Edit", "", 7))

2 Replies

  • RonT's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Your advice about "other path" finally led me to find the problem.


    This is one of those rare automation-caused issues where there were *TWO* identical dialog boxes, one perfectly on top of the other. 


    When I run the .exe manually, there is only a single dialog, but in automation, there are two.


    But interestingly, knowing that still didn't help resolve the object name. So after spending too much time on it, I put a long timeout around the next step, and manually clicked both YES dialog buttons. The test completes properly.


    If I have time, I'll debug this further in the future.


    I appreciate the help.

