Dialog windows in Delphi XE 10 (Rad Studio XE 10)
The application I'm testing is compiled with Rad Studio XE 10 and the dialog window is detected as:
Sys.Process('download').Window('#32770', 'download').Window('DirectUIHWND').Window('CtrlNotifySink', '', 7).Window('Button', 'OK').ClickButton;
In an earlier verison of the application, which was compiled with Delphi XE5, the window was detected as:
Sys.Process('download').Window('TMessageForm', 'download').VCLObject('OK').ClickButton;.
Has anyone else encountered the same or similar issue?
If yes, what was your workaround?
Kind regards,
Our company uses the same framework for our applications. It is our policy to NOT compile the applications with debug information. So for the past 16 years I have been testing these applications with QARun, TestPartner, and now exclusively TestComplete.
The issue of the popup window having two different class names was solved 16 years ago and I have converted the code to TestComplete. We use TestComplete version 11.20.1491.7.
We do not use name mapping at all and rely on the various Find methods to access the objects.
The function is called PopupsUniversal. You pass the process object, caption text, and the text of the button to the function. It returns True if the button was clicked.
The example below should work for the information that you provided.
Sorry about the indentions, when I copy and paste all tabs are lost.
Sub One
Dim p
Set p = Sys.WaitProcess("download", 3000)
If p.Exists = True Then
If PopupsUniversal(p, "download", "OK") = True Then
Log.Message "Clicked the popup."
Log.Message "Did not click the popup."
End If
Log.Error "Process not found."
End If
End SubFunction PopupsUniversal(objProcess, svCaption, svButtonText)
Dim f, objButton
PopupsUniversal = False
If Win32API.FindWindow("TMessageForm", svCaption) <> 0 Or Win32API.FindWindow("#32770", svCaption) <> 0 Then
Set f = objProcess.FindEx(Array("WndClass", "WndCaption"), Array("TMessageForm", svCaption), 1, True, 500)
If f.Exists = False Then
Set f = objProcess.FindEx(Array("WndClass", "WndCaption"), Array("#32770", svCaption), 1, True, 500)
End If
If f.Exists = True Then
Set objButton = f.Find(Array("WndClass", "WndCaption", "Visible"), Array("Button", svButtonText, True), 10, True)
If objButton.Exists = False Then
Set objButton = f.Find(Array("WndClass", "ObjectIdentifier", "Visible"), Array("Button", svButtonText, True), 10, True)
End If
If objButton.Exists = False Then
Set objButton = f.Find(Array("WndClass", "Caption", "Visible"), Array("Button", svButtonText, True), 10, True)
End If
If objButton.Exists = False Then
Set objButton = f.Find(Array("WndClass", "WndCaption", "Visible"), Array("TButton", svButtonText, True), 10, True)
End If
If objButton.Exists = False Then
Set objButton = f.Find(Array("WndClass", "ObjectIdentifier", "Visible"), Array("TButton", svButtonText, True), 10, True)
End If
If objButton.Exists = False Then
Set objButton = f.Find(Array("WndClass", "Caption", "Visible"), Array("TButton", svButtonText, True), 10, True)
End If
If objButton.Exists = True Then
PopupsUniversal = True
End If
End If
End If
End Function