The mechanics of "Properly Mapping an Object"
- 8 years ago
Properly mapping = Don't depend solely on the automatic mapping provided by TestComplete.
Many times, properties used by mapping have variable values. For example, in the application we're testing right now, certain objects have an ID that, while it appears to be a static id, changes every time you go to the same screen. So, the object itself is always the same, but the internal properties used for identification are changing dynamically at runtime.
In your particular situation, the URL you have mapped includes an # after the Index in your name mapping. The "real" URL doesn't include that symbol. I don't know how it got there, but that's the difference. If you suspect that the URL of the page is going to have variable information after the index, then in your mapping, you should replace the # with an *.
So... that's the example for your particular situation. But each component, application, scenario has different situations. It honestly will take a bit of work on your part to spend time observing and investigating the objects within your application under test to determine, after the object has been mapped, whether the properties used by TestComplete are sufficient, whether they include anything specifically dynamic, etc.
There are a few videos out there for this process. if you go to, there are several videos on that page that give a good insight on how to do this stuff.
Additionally, check out