the format of object address changes completely and none of the tests work :(
i had a dynamic object and i found a topic in Internet to give name mapping manually then in tools-options-engines i uncheck the Map object names automatically
after i try to find the name mapping manually , i had a issue with testComplete and that was freeze , i restart testcomplete .....
when i managed to enter the testComplete and i lunched one of the tests , it didn't work because it couldn't find the main , i checked in object Browser instead of main and another object address i saw something else (different characters .... )
what can i do for resolve the problem 😞 ?
i tried to record something i had the same object address (some characters instead of real object)
with object Spy also the same issue
thanks for your answer, that was so strange
finally, i uninstalled and reinstalled the testcomplete and fortunately it works 🙂