Forum Discussion

aPrivett's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Testing installation MSI's on various configurations of Windows

Does CrossBrowserTesting provide a way for me to test the installation of my MSI's on various configurations of Windows? It appears not. So, does anyone know of a service that would let me standup co...
  • Marsha_R's avatar
    6 years ago


    Well it is meant for cross "browser" testing and not cross "os" testing.  


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    6 years ago



    > It appears not.

    Disclaimer: I did not try CBT since TC Beta when it was introduced, so things might have been changed. Correct me if something from below does not correspond to the current state.


    Can you specify what does not work for your scenario?

    While CBT is intended for cross-browser testing indeed (and only on Windows environments for TC), I hope that it can be used for your case:

    -- CBT in TC since version 12.4 supports external and arbitrary project files, which means that you should be able to deliver your .msi file to the target system;

    -- Required target OS can be specified within the CBT environment;

    -- Configured browser might be started automatically, but even if this a case, you should be able to close it on test start;

    -- I see no obstacles that may prevent you from launching tested .msi from within your test;

    -- Every test launch should provide you with a fresh clean test environment, so there is a benefit here :)


    The only possible problem that may occur is that the installer will not be allowed to get elevated privileges and this may fail installation.


    So, did you try this and have you had blocking problems?


  • tristaanogre's avatar
    6 years ago

    This question is being posted in the Desktop Applications portion of the forums.


    One thing to understand: CrossBrowserTesting is for Web applications, not Desktop applications.  

    What it sounds like you want to do is to spin up a different Windows OS, install your DESKTOP application to that environment, run your tests, and then dispose.  CrossBrowserTesting does not support this... again, it's for Web Applications only.