Forum Discussion

jdwather's avatar
6 years ago

TestExecute x64 Does Not Run Correctly with Virtual Machine

I installed TestExecute on a virtual machine with windows 10 x64, while running my tests it just runs in a second and says that all tests have passed. After a good time trying to understand, I discovered that this occurs with the x64 TestExecute, when opening the project with TestExecute x86 all tests are run correctly. Does anyone have any idea why this happens?

  • jdwather's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hello, I created a new virtual machine from scratch, and the problem no longer occurred. Thanks for the help.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    It depends a bit... 

    What is almost sounds like is that you may be hitting unhandled exceptions of some sort in the mix there where the 64 bit version of TestExecute can't perform some operations due to mismatched database drivers or something like that.

    Are you doing any data driven testing using Excel or SQL databasess?

    • jdwather's avatar

      I'm not, I'm just trying to run a test that opens Notepad and writes a simple text. I was configuring the execution of distributed tests for the first time, until I came across this problem in the virtual machine. If it executes x86 version of TestExecute it opens NotePad and writes the text, however if it runs in the x64 version it simply starts execution and already presents the execution log, as executed the test without doing anything.

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Is it possible for you to zip up your project and/or your code and send it over?  

        Typically, the ability to execute a project is not dependant upon bit-ness of the TestExecute instance.  So, there's something unique in your project that is not typical and having it in hand would help.