Forum Discussion

porites's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

TestComplete/Execute - Provider issue when test launched with Jenkins

Hello Guys,


I'm facing an issue when my TestComplete test is launche on my VM using a Jenkins Job.

[TestComplete] [WARNING] Error: Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.


Important point:

The Oracle client with specific drivers is installed on this machine and with the same user (like user configured on my Jenkins Job and with Admin rights) the same test, directly launched with TestComplete, is working fine on same machine.




  • working fine with the 1.9v of TestComplete Jenkins PlugIn.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    This is a bit-ness issue.  The driver is probably of one bitness (64 bit or 32 bit) and TestComplete may be running with a different bitness.  If Jenkins is running 32-bit TestComplete and the driver is 64-bit, you'll get this error... and the reverse.  Please check.

  • porites's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    Humm I think I found the root cause.

    By Jenkins a TestcompleteService is used and as the system of my target machine is a Win32bit, the service called is a 32bit service.... Not compatible with the Oracle driver installed for TestExecute (64bit).


    When I manually launch the test, any service called, only an interaction between TestExecute (64bit) and the Oracle driver (64bit).


    I will try to use another slave machine with a Win 64bit and let you know if I'm facing the same issue.


    • shankar_r's avatar
      Community Hero

      Jenkins, by default it will trigger the 64Bit version of TestComplete/TestExecute.

    • porites's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Same issue with a 64bit slave machine.



      Slave: Windows 2012 R2 (64bit)

      TestComplete: 12.40 (64bit)

      Oracle Driver: 12.01 (64bit)


      Status of test manually launched --> OK (any provider issue)


      Status of same test launched by jenkins job --> KO (provider issue)


      Potential root cause: TestComplete Jenkins Plugin


      Actually used: v1.8 - 64bit version not managed

      Next step: upgrade of the plugin in v1.9


      I will let you know :-)


  • porites's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    working fine with the 1.9v of TestComplete Jenkins PlugIn.