TestComplete x64 - ODBC Driver Connectivity Issue
I want to make a connection to Excel file and get the data, but I could not find a solution for TC x64 bit. So I am approaching you all.
I get the error message - " [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
TC - 12.41 64 bit
OS - Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit
MS Excel - 32bit
I did follow the steps given here about installing - 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine.
Also renamed the regedit "mso.dll" to "mso1.dll"
Connection string used ...
var ConnStr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=" + filePath + ";ReadOnly=1;";
adoConn.Connection = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.Connection");
adoConn.Connection.ConnectionString = ConnStr;
If I use the TC - 12.41 32 bit version in the same box, I am able to connect and get the data from Excel file.
Not sure what I am missing here, any advice would be helpful for us.
You need to make sure, then, that in your connection string, you're referencing the 64-bit ODBC driver... I'm assuming it has a slightly different name. Do that, and you can use the 64-bit TestComplete