Forum Discussion

dayne_carolina's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

TestComplete takes 10-20 minutes to load my suite


I have a test suite that takes around 20 minutes or even more to load, i don't hink it is acceptable, what are the possible causes for that?

Machine conf.:

Intel Core 2 due 2.93 GHz

2.85 GB RAM

Project folder size:

677 MB

Naming Map file size:



2 Replies

  • maximojo's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Some pretty big folder/files there.

    This may not be YOUR problem but I had similar issues where I had multiple projects in a project suite each with many megabytes of images in each project region store.

    I ended up removing all images from the region stores and then adding each image dynamically to the region store at runtime before each image comparson. Then once the comparison was finished I removed the image from the region stores.

    This at least allowed me to see the comparison in the logs.

    Of course this makes a bit difficult at author time if you're using keyword tests with region checkpoints :) but I generally script my image comparisons.

    But just an idea for your there if that suits.

