Forum Discussion

krupa_luke's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

testComplete stops execution without generating any error or warning


I moved my well-working testComplete scripts from laptop (Windows 7) to virtual server (Ms Windows server 2008 R2 Standard).

I updated paths to xls data files and other stuff so script does not fail trying to load something which does not exist, configured Internet Explorer based on instruction on SmartBear, etc...

Everything seems ok, however, on several places in my scripts, testComplete stops execution. That would not be strange at all - it is common practice that time to time it happens - I usually find & debug and fix the problem.

However... when script pre-maturely stops the execution, it should generate at least some error log, explaining what happened... but that does not happen. TestComplete simply stops like I would click on Stop button manually. But when I click manually on Stop button during execution - Log writes information about that - e.g.: "test script was interrupted" or smth like that...

My scripts usually stops without explanation on lines with:

eval() or setActive() functions... however not always. 

Complete mystery to me...