Forum Discussion

paul_lumira's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

TestComplete ClickItem works on one machine but not another

We currently use 3 machines for our TestComplete automation all running the same version of TestComplete, we have a set of regression tests which use the ClickItem function to select a value from a dropdown selector. 

This works correctly on 2 out of the 3 machines but on the third fails with the following error 

'The combo box is invisible. The action cannot be executed'

The failing machine is a Windows 10 machine and the 2 working ones are on windows 10 and Windows 8, so i dont think it is an OS issue. 


The application being tested is an old IE based program with a client wrapper, i was wondering if the issue could be down to needing certain IE plugins installed which i don't remember having to do with the other 2 machines.

I have been through the web setup documents and compared settings but cannot see anything obvious

Any advice or help would be great

  • How does the screen resolution compare between the three machines? That could be an issue.

2 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    How does the screen resolution compare between the three machines? That could be an issue.

  • paul_lumira's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thanks Marsha_R, did not think that would affect the running of these tests but checked and the failing machine had the text display set to 150% for some reason, set that back to 100% and this has sorted, all 3 machines had different resolutions.