TC12 attempt to work with closed (excel) driver after updating to Office 365
This has been working for over 5 years, but started failing after I updated to office 365.
Following the update, I can no longer run testcomplete from my laptop in this particular project.
It does not seem to makle any difference if I am opening DriverG with DDT.ExcelDriver(aInputFile, aInputSheet, false)
with DDT.ExcelDriver(aInputFile, aInputSheet, true) or omitting the parameter completely.
When I try to do aqConvertVarToStr or DriverG.EOF() I get an error "attempt to work with closed driver".
I can succesfully use DriverG.Name and it prints driver is Excel0
var DriverG = DDT.ExcelDriver(aInputFile, aInputSheet);
Log.Message(" driver is " + DriverG.Name);
omit = aqConvert.VarToStr(DriverG.Value(omitHeader));
Log.Message ( "omit is " + omit);
var row = 0;
var tempValue;
while (! DriverG.EOF() )
so although test complete claims to be a 64 bit application, when I added the driver for 32 bit testcomplete after removing the 64 bit driver, it works as it has been.