Forum Discussion

pitthull's avatar
New Member
17 hours ago

Latest Update... :(

I am here in China -- testing a medical device on a very short timeframe as the hospital wants to continue clinicals and I'm trying to finish the official design verification.  Came in this morning and Zephyr Scale has changed -- DRAMATICALLY -- it already had a few pitfalls -- but I am ready to jump off the building as there are HORRIBLE bugs all through this release that really concern me and question the integrity of the data as I am writing tests.

I have already ran into at least 50 cases in the last few hours where I changed a value in a field and went to another field (tab and/or mouse click) and the value I had entered in the previous field was NOT committed to the data store -- and thus when I came back in, the data I had entered was now gone.  This is TOTALLY unacceptable.  It appears that when I click in an entry field, I have to enter the data -- and NOT use the tab key to go to the next field (standard computer practice) because unless I physically change focus outside of the data field, the changes is not registered/saved.

I also have an issue with cut/pasting out of a word table.  It is sometimes easier to write large test cases in word and then cut/paste the steps into Scale -- I generally use tables to write the tests -- today, suddenly, when I paste something from a word table, I get at least two and have seen up to five copies of the data I just copied/pasted.

Further -- when creating a new test, closing, and then re-entering the 'Details' tab of the Test Cases, the Name field is active -- but the Objective and Precondition fields show that the cursor is over them -- but they are complete non-editable -- the only way to get the fields to allow editing is to go to the Test Script tab and then back -- then it is normal again.

The irony is amazing that the maker of software quality software has something that has SO MANY ISSUES -- the issues described are just what I found in a few hours and includes data loss -- the others are just extremely (and I mean EXTREMELY) inconvenient.  I have no option but to use this mess to finish off this test cycle but as soon as I finish, I will be switching to JAMA.  Seriously -- there were a few issues I didn't like before the update -- but this update is just a mess -- in a VERY inopportune time.

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