Forum Discussion

MulgraveTester's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago

TC11 DDT: An attempt to work with a closed driver

I was running huge DDT scripts in TC10 on Windows 7 which worked fine.

I upgraded to Windows 10 which caused my PC to reset. I installed TC11.31. Since then when I run my code I get the error "An attempt to work with a closed driver."


I also upgraded another PC from WIN7/TC10 to Win10/TC11. This time the Windows upgrade did not cause a reset. The script, from the same SVN repository, runs fine on that PC.


Both machines run MS Office 2016.


Is there a setting that I have forgotten about that will allow me to work with DDTs.


My code is trying to read an Excel file:


sub readTestedApps
  if aqFile.Exists(autoFile) then
    Set TestDataFile = DDT.ExcelDriver(autoFile, "TestedApps", True) 
    do while not TestDataFile.EOF '<<< Fails here

  • I've had this issue and it was the result of either the spreadsheet being open when the script attempts to access it, or because the machine needed to have the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 installed. The latter fixed this problem for me, and was almost always the cause of the problem on new machines.

2 Replies

  • Kenny_Mooney's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I've had this issue and it was the result of either the spreadsheet being open when the script attempts to access it, or because the machine needed to have the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 installed. The latter fixed this problem for me, and was almost always the cause of the problem on new machines.

    • MulgraveTester's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thanks Ken,


      Previously, I only needed that driver on PCs that didn't have Office.


      It was working in Win7 with Office 2016 (installed over Office 2010) but I think it was broken due to the Windows Reset.


      Office 2016 will use 64 bit components and TestComplete only works with the 32 bit AccessRuntime. I think it is about time that Smartbear supported 64 bit options so that we don't have to side load old components.